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The San Diego French-American School Parent Community Association (P.C.A.) consists of students, faculty, staff, and parents. Its mission is to strengthen and support a community that is vibrant, international, and inclusive of all members of our school family.


The goals of the P.C.A. Leadership Team are:

  • Organize and promote community events
  • Support and recruit volunteers
  • Support classroom activities by coordinating parent efforts and coordinating appreciation eventP.

Community Association Executive Team Members:

Guillaume Dubeaux | President

Guillaume supports the President, coordinates Room Parents, facilitates parent-teacher communication and recruits volunteers for school and community events. Guillaume loves the outdoors (camping and hiking!) and spending time with family and friends! He also loves cooking French cuisine! Fun fact: Guillaume has been playing the guitar (Fender Strat) for 25+ years!

Amy Sewick | President Emeritus

Amy is the P.C.A. and E.T. former spokesperson to the School’s Leadership. During her time as president she planned and moderated P.C.A. meetings. She regularly communicates with the Head of School and E.T. to improve organizational efficiency and community support of school and P.C.A. events. She leads volunteer recruitment and drives initiatives to promote successful school projects. Amy and her family have been at the school for four years. When she’s not helping out at the school, you can find her hanging upside down at aerial yoga, traveling with her family, or baking animal cakes with her husband.

Mathilde Epstein | Vice-President

Mathilde assists the President/Vice-President, manages P.C.A.-sponsored events and appoints Chairs and Co-Chairs for them. She keeps track of all event details in the dedicated P.C.A. cloud storage platform. Mathilde enjoys traveling with her family,  is a culinary aficionado and dedicated parent volunteer at SDFAS as well as one of our Gala chairs.

Allison Simmons | Director of Communication

Jana Zajac | Secretary

Jana supports the President and the Vice-President, records minutes and manages P.C.A. and E.T. meetings. She maintains the P.C.A. Guidelines as well as coordinates the P.C.A. officer candidacy and election process. Jana is in her second year as a parent and volunteer at SDFAS. She loves cooking, art and traveling with her family.

Mélanie Christie | Treasurer

Melanie proposes the annual P.C.A. budget to the E.T. (executive team), the Head of School and the Finance office, oversees P.C.A. expenditures, presents financial reports at monthly meetings and at the fiscal year-end to the P.C.A. members and the School’s finance office.  Melanie also enjoys volunteering and participating in the fun events sponsored by the P.C.A. In her free time, she enjoys skiing with her kids and trying new experiences!

Noémi Durrand | Director of Events


In conjunction with the school administration, the P.C.A. organizes every year many events for the students and their families to bring together the school community, create connections between us, and welcome new families. The P.C.A. leadership team is supported by event-specific sub-committees each with their own Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. The annual events are decided, calendared, and budgeted by August 30 each year.

  • Sunset with SDFAS: This casual family gathering at the beach allows new and returning families to connect with parents from their children’s classes.
  • Annual Giving: A strong culture of philanthropy is essential in advancing our mission, and the Annual Fund is the school’s most important fundraiser.
  • International Holiday Market: A fun-filled European-style holiday market that brings the school family and local community together.
  • Talent Show: An evening of music/dance/comedy/performance that brings the San Diego French-American family together.
  • Book Fairs: A one-week-long international bookstore in the school Auditorium.
  • Jog-A-Thon: A race with a purpose! All monies raised are used to replenish school sports equipment and/or donated to organizations chosen by student delegates.
  • Teacher Appreciation Week: We take time out three times a year to say thank you to our beloved teachers.
  • Gala: Our annual fundraising event to raise critical funds for the campus and school programs.
  • Field Day: One of the most anticipated events of the school year which marks the end of term and the beginning of summer! Students compete and participate in friendly competitions!
  • Spring Fair: A fun event for the school community to celebrate the end of the school year. The Kermesse includes games and international food stands for all families to enjoy.

Get Involved!

If you are a San Diego French-American School parent and would like to volunteer for any of the above events, please email:

2024-2025 Parent Community Association Guidelines