Please make a difference in the school you care for so deeply.

Véronique Rahmati, Director of Development • 858-456-2807 x304
The opportunity to educate your children is our privilege
At the same time, having access in San Diego to an exceptional bilingual school is also a privilege. As parents and educators, we share the same goal: provide the best education possible for our children and a commitment to preserve that same opportunity for those who come after us. Through distinct but equally important channels, San Diego French-American School raises funds that are essential to further developing the school and to helping students discover their potential, achieve excellence and embrace the world around them.
To sustain our mutual commitment to the San Diego French-American School mission and strategic vision. Like all non-profit independent schools, we rely on charitable gifts each year to enhance operations and support the advancement of the school. We ask that each family join in supporting our school through two major yearly fundraisers, the Annual Fund and the Gala.
You can be assured that your gift will make a difference. Investing in our children’s education is an act of love for the benefit of their growth and development. We guarantee you will see the results of your generosity in what’s most precious in our lives.
Here are the top 7 reasons to support San Diego French-American School:

Because you care deeply about your child and this amazing community!

Because you know that great teachers make a great school. We need to attract and retain outstanding teachers to inspire our students.

You support smaller class sizes ensuring individualized attention.

You want to maintain a diverse student body through financial aid.

You want your donation to leverage other gifts through foundation and employer matching programs.

Because someone gave for you. Just look at the impact of previous gifts on the field, playground, and innovation lab for coding and robotics.